FT232R Repair Manual



Device Manager


Many manufacturers’ boxes became victims of counterfeit FTDI chips, which are made in China and visually absolutely identical to the original chips.

Starting from FTDI driver’s version 2.08.14 there is a random connectivity issue for some users.
Drivers from version 2.10.00 started to "kill" all non-original ICs.
Fortunately, they do not destroy the EEPROM; drivers just replace PID with 0000, what makes it appear in Devices Manager as FT232R and, because of that, no other drivers can be installed.
2.12.00 drivers have been released recently and, apparently, they do not destroy PIDs.

Here is the manual how to repair your box PID if you became a victim…

  1. Uninstall current FTDI drivers
  2. Disable Windows Updater
  3. Download CDM Uninstaller
  4. Extract the file CDMUninstallerGUI.exe from the .zip folder and run the application, simply double click on the .exe file


COM Uninstaller


  1. Type in Vendor ID - 0403 and Product ID - 6001
  2. Click on the "Add" button
  3. Type in Vendor ID - 0403 and Product ID - 0000 if you used modified PIDs
  4. Click on the "Remove Devices" button
  5. A pop-up message box will confirm successful removal from the system


Remove Successful


    Download and Install CDM 2.04.06 WHQL Certified drivers

  1. Go to "Device Manager"
  2. Select device "Other devices" --> "USB Serial Port"
  3. Right mouse click, Properties
  4. "Driver" tab
  5. Click "Update Driver..."
  6. Click "Browse my computer for driver software"
  7. Click on "Browse..."
  8. Select folder with downloaded drivers, for example "C:\CDM_2.04.06_WHQL_Certified"
  9. Click "Next..." when you see a message "Would you like to install this device driver software?"
  10. Click "Install"
  11. Click "Close"
  12. Optional - Reboot your PC


    Change the PID back to the original 6001

  1. Download FT_Prog
  2. Extract the file FT_Prog_v2.8.2.0 Installer.exe from the .zip folder and run the installer
  3. Start FT_Prog
  4. Scan for any available devices by pressing F5 button

    FTDI- FT Prog


  6. Click on "USB Device Descriptor" and select Custom PID in the dropdown list to the right. Type 6001 in Product ID filed

    USB Device Descriptor


  8. Press the "lightning" icon on the toolbar (or Ctrl + P buttons) and then press the "Program" button to save changes
  9. Optional - Reboot your PC


    Download and Install FTDI drivers v.2.08.14 (you can use v.2.04.06 as well)

  1. Go to "Device Manager"
  2. Select device "Other devices" --> "USB Serial Port"
  3. Right mouse click, Properties
  4. "Driver" tab
  5. Click "Update Driver..."
  6. Click "Browse my computer for driver software"
  7. Click "Browse..."
  8. Select folder with downloaded drivers, for example "C:\FTDI_2.08.14"
  9. Click "Next..."
  10. Click "Install" when you see a message "Would you like to install this device driver software?"
  11. Click "Close"
  12. Optional - Reboot your PC


Also, you can use MProg, if FTProg failed to work for you

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