GsmServer announces new JTAG solution for reviving phones!


GsmServer introduces Medusa Box, a brand new solution for LG and Samsung Anycall mobile phones featuring read/write boot functions for over 50 phones at the moment. Medusa Box also offers support for other phone brands such as Huawei, BenQ Siemens, Vodafone and USB modem sticks.

"Medusa provides whole support for listed models in one simple interface. Hardware is small and convenient. Universal JIGs will definitely make users’ life much easier" says one of Octopus Box developers. "It comes with free of charge, fast and automated downloads system, therefore allowing users not to waste time on visiting download areas."

Medusa Box developers' team is planning to expand the list of supported phone and modem brands in the nearest future.

One of GsmServer top managers commented: "Medusa Box is our new product developed together with well-known Octopus Team. It is our response to the rising market need in new and more advanced mobile phone service tools. We are sure that this new product will be as successful as Octopus Box due to our fast and timely technical support and, of course, frequent updates".

Medusa Box is available at starting from March 17 at $159 and includes Medusa Box, a set of required wires and a kit of universal JIGs with holder.

Visit description page of Medusa Box at GsmServer online store.

More information about Medusa at

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