Omnius for SE v0.35

Omnius for SE v0.35 (29th March 2012):

  • Added Live boot function for S1 MSM8x55(T) phones with unlocked bootloader.
  • The Live boot function supports automatic SU utility upload to allow permanent rooting without any side-effects.
  • The bootloader is unlocked automatically during the unlock of S1 QSD8250 and S1 MSM7227 phones.
  • Added menu option for unlocking bootloader of S1 QD8250/MSM7227/MSM8x55(T) phones.
  • Added support for unsigned firmware flashing (mostly kernels) into S1 QSD8250/MSM7227/MSM8x55(T) phones with bootloader unlocked by Omnius.
  • The S1 MSM8x55(T) identification operation shows whether the phone accepts unsigned flashes.
  • Removed final shutdown in S1 QSD8250/MSM7227/MSM8x55(T) flash operations to prevent unwanted phone restarts.
  • S1 identification operations should not fail when some TA units are missing.
  • S1 QSD8250/MSM7227/MSM8x55(T) identification operations can detect SEMC Developer simlock signatures.
  • Faster ADB communication.
  • Advertisement banners removed.
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