Volcano Box v2.2.5.2 is released!

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Volcano Box v2.2.5.2 is released! Added the solution on how to resolve "Invalid License Data" error while running Volcano Box software.

In case of "Invalid License Data" error, please perform the following steps:

  1. Download Volcano Box Software v2.2.5
  2. Then download Volcano Box v2.2.5.2
  3. Extract version 2.2.5 into new folder
  4. Then extract version into other new folder
  5. Delete Volcanobox.exe file from v2.2.5 folder
  6. Copy Volcanobox.exe from v2.2.5.2 folder and paste it into v2.2.5 folder
  7. Go to Run in your Start Menu
  8. Type "regedit" and click OK
  10. Then to Software
  11. Then go to volcano_tool
  12. Then right-click on it and select "Expand"
  13. There will be one more volcano_tool folder, right-click on it and delete it
  14. Close registry editor
  15. Go to v2.2.5 folder, where is copied v2.2.5.2 Volcanobox.exe and run it
  16. If the software now runs properly, please close it and open again. If it works on second run, it means the problem is solved
  17. In case of not working or giving the error at the first or second run of the software, please post the screenshot of your issue here and wait for the response with the solution
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