Smartphone Functionality on Your Car Monitor!


Smartphone Functionality on Your Car Monitor!

Would you like to connect a smartphone to the multimedia system of your car? If the answer is "Yes" then we have just what you need!

With the help of the APCAST mirroring adapter you will be able to connect your smartphone to the car head unit via Wi-Fi and use navigation, launch apps, playback music and video on the OEM monitor. The device is equipped with an HDMI output which provides image of the highest quality.

If you require a simpler solution – take a look at this USB adapter. You will also be able to connect your smartphone to the car monitor, the only difference is that connection will be via USB cable.

Choose the adapter that you will be happier with and start using smartphone functionality in your car right now!

Smartphone/iPhone Wi-Fi Mirroring Car Adapter APCAST with HDMI Output
Smartphone/iPhone Wi-Fi Mirroring Car Adapter APCAST with HDMI Output
Adapter for connecting Apple, Samsung and LG devices to the car multimedia system. Supports screen mirroring functions to display navigation, menu, applications, etc. on the connected monitor.
USD 80.00
iPhone USB Mirroring Car Adapter
iPhone USB Mirroring Car Adapter
USB adapter for iOS devices connection to the car multimedia system. Supports screens mirroring functions to display navigation, menu, applications, etc. on the connected monitor.
USD 50.00

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