PayPal: Transactions At the Speed of Thought!

Why is PayPal Safe for Customers?

PayPal users

More than 230 million buyers choose PayPal as a preferred payment method

For the last seventeen years PayPal has become one of the most preferred payment methods on the Internet. More than 230 million buyers in more than 190 countries around the world use PayPal on a daily basis.

PayPal Buyer Protection program

To participate in PayPal Buyer Protection, all you need to do is pay with PayPal. It's as simple as that. Your purchases for the total amount of up to US $25,000.00 are protected. You can claim your money back in just a few clicks on the PayPal website.

PayPal Buyer Protection program
Fast and Convenient

Convenience in everyday use

To pay for your purchase via PayPal, only email address and password are required. Simply type them in and you are done, easier than buying in your local store. Payment is processed immediately.

The lowest currency conversion fee

You can automatically convert money into other foreign currencies with the minimal fee. PayPal offers competitive conversion rates and accepts payments in 26 different currencies.

The lowest currency conversion fee
Payment History

All payment history is available on your account page

Visit your Account page to track and analyze orders in the Payment History section.

No hidden fees


You are always aware of the sum you will be charged when you complete an order. No hidden fees.

No Hidden Fees
Confidentiality and Data Protection

Confidentiality and data protection

PayPal site is a highly secure money transfer system. When you send money via PayPal, a payee never sees your bank account or credit card data. The recipient can only see your email address, date of sign-up, and whether or not you have completed PayPal's Verification process.

Make payments using different credit cards and bank accounts

You can merge different credit cards/bank accounts to use them for payments on your single PayPal account.

Merging Different Credit Cards/Bank Accounts
Transfer Money Between Accounts

Transfer money between accounts

With PayPal you can send money to anyone with an email address. Funds transfer will be completed immediately and the recipient will have access to the money straight away.

Trust your money to professionals.


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