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Gevey AIO: Gevey Sim AIO Cut v2.9 & Gevey Sim AIO v19 & Gevey AIO Configurator v2

Gevey Sim AIO v19

  • Added support for all iPhone 4S 5.1 and 5.1.1 modem versions (world's first).
  • Added support for all phones with and without GID1 locks (world's first).
  • Tested on T-Mobile Germany iPhone 4S 5.1.1 and 5.1 (modem 2.0.12), supports IMSI modifications (world's first).
  • Supports ICCID modifications (must be programmed with the correct ICCID) (world's first).

Gevey Sim AIO Cut v2.9

  • The software can now read and check GID1 service table field from any simcard WITHOUT PIN code
  • The software can now read the contents of GID1 field from any simcard WITHOUT PIN code
  • The software can now program a variable length GID1 (up to 7 bytes) for any GEVEY CUT programmed with update v2.9 or any future update that supports GID1 setup

Unlocking procedure

  1. Program your Gevey using the correct IMSI, ICCID and GID1
    1. IMSI – You need to program it using the IMSI of the original network where you iPhone is locked. It is a good idea to read IMSI, ICCID and GID1 from your original simcard (if you have that) and use this settings;
    2. ICCID – if online application Gevey AIO Configurator recommends that you use ICCID for your phone then please edit your ICCID to match the recommendations; If ICCID is not required then please READ the ICCID from the simcard you are planning to use with Gevey and use that IMSI;
    3. GID1 – only few phones are required to have a valid GID1 value. Use GID settigs only if our online application Gevey AIO Configurator recommends that
  2. Insert Gevey together with your simcard in a powered on phone and wait for about 2 minutes
  3. If you have problems in using the data connection please try to make the appropriate settings using online application Gevey AIO Configurator.

Visit this application using your iPhone browser!

Gevey AIO Configurator v2

You can find Gevey AIO Configurator v2 here.

Manual APN Settings

Enables you to automatically apply your desired settings into your iPhone 4S.

Stored APN settings

The most complete list of APN settings and direct access for setting up iPhone 4S with only a few clicks.

IMSI: 26201
(this means that the IMSI used in GEVEY ONLINE UPDATE software MUST start with theese 5 digits if you want to get the phone unlocked)

No specific requirement (this means that the ICCID used in GEVEY ONLINE UPDATE software MUST start with theese digits if you want to get the phone unlocked, in this case there is no specific requirement )

No specific requirement (this means that the GID1 used in GEVEY ONLINE UPDATE software MUST start with theese digits if you want to get the phone unlocked, in this case there is no specific requirement)

HAS profile:
Use this option while browsing this page using iPhone 4S browser, won’t work from normal browsers.

Stored Network settings (world's first)

Recommended settings you can use in your GEVEY ONLINE UPDATE software (you can use this option from any browser, including iPhone).

Download Gevey AIO Cut Version Update v2.9

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